naaga panchami. 16. vrichika sankranthi punyakaalam. 18. gosthasthami / kaarthaveerya jayanthi. 20. yaajnavalkya jayanthi. 21. matatrya eekadashi / bodhana eekadashi. 22. ksheerabdhi dwadashi, dhanurayanam ...... mangoes and summer season go hand in hand. ugadi thus marks the beginning of the hot season which coincides with the school vacations. for the young ones, therefore, ugadi is characterised by new clothes, sumptuous food and revelling. the air is filled with joy, ...
The tourney started, some notable players that were there were Naaga, a Nu player who beat me the first time I entered an SBO qual for BB. This Jin player that also beat me at the last tourney I went to, and mashy Noel was there, ...